Sunday, October 2, 2011


Camden turned 4 months last week & is starting to want a bottle more often. He constantly stares at everything we eat and he tries to get our food into his mouth. So, we figured it was time for him to start eating a little rice! He loves it. I would give him a spoonful and he would lean forward with his mouth open. He acted like he's eaten from a spoon for a long time.

At 4 months, Camden:

- Weighs 14.5 pounds

- Still sleeps through the night but has been loving getting up for the day at 6:00 AM

- Grabs anything he can reach, puts it in his mouth & throws it

- Will only use the Playtex Binky's

- Loves rice cereal

- Has started rolling.. even back to belly

- Destroys his play mat (He will throw his arms and legs everywhere until the whole thing falls apart)

- Falls asleep every time we get in the car

- Still loves cartoons & watching things on our phones

- Eats 6 oz of milk about every 2.5 - 3 hours

- Talks CONSTANTLY... loud!

- Doesn't cry when we wakes up in the mornings. He just lays in his crib and babbles and kicks his feet.

1 comment:

Tyson and Lana Hansen said...

He's so stinkin cute! I just LOVE him! I'm so glad I got to meet him finally!! He is a good baby :) And I can't believe he eats so much! Well and that he's not bigger since he eats so much. Such a cutie!