Sunday, September 25, 2011


When Camden was two weeks old I took him to get his newborn pictures. Lets just say it was a DISASTER! He would not sleep for longer then 2 minutes and he went to the bathroom multiple times with no diaper on, ha ha. It took us 4 hours to get about 8 pictures. But, it was worth it because they turned out so cute and you would never know he was acting naughty. I just love them. Even though he looks so innocent, peaceful and pleasant in these pics... just know that he wasn't. :)

I am surprised all the pictures didn't turn out like this one :) Also, in my last post I forgot to mention the fact that after Camden's blessing he went to bed at 5:45 PM & woke up the next morning at 7:30 AM. HAHA, we must have REALLY worn him out.

1 comment:

The Curtis's said...

I LOVE these!!! Jayden is getting his done in a couple days and I hope they are half as good as these!! Camden is such a little stud!